A Good Habit (2019)
Interdental cleaning and tooth brushing are the primary means of cleaning teeth, one of the main aspects of oral hygiene.
A Good Habit documents the process of me brushing my teeth with ink for 10 days, attempting to develop “A Good Habit”.
In this behavioral experiment, the abnormal behavior of brushing teeth with ink touches on the discourse of power-knowledge, discipline and civilization. As one of the key mediums in the evolution of civilization, ink is a significant symbol of power-knowledge. While at the same time, it is also one of the most stubborn stains in everyday life. Substituting for toothpaste, ink empowers the teeth with knowledge, which ironically subverts the mythical image of white, clean healthy teeth. While striving for the voice of mouth, ink tooth brushing presents a provocative posture that confronts with the modern hygiene discourse.
However, following into the daily repetitive routine, will the intended subversion behind ink tooth brushing be fully addressed? Or will it fall into a new habit, or even aphasias?
在这次“习惯养成” 的试验中,艺术家试图通过用墨水刷牙这一反日常行为来介入现代社会中规训与文明、知识与权力的关系问题。